Seasonal Contrast (346/365/2023)

by The Philosophical Fish

The drive out to The Valley this morning was foggy for most of the way, and I’d been counting on that. I grabbed the big camera in the hopes that I’d have a few minutes before others arrived at the lab and could putter around getting some moody shots of the fog. The drive had so many awesome places where the fog was enveloping some old barn, or a copse of trees…..just not anywhere I could stop since I was on the freeway and driving in the commuter lane.


Both annoyingly, and fabulously, the fog cleared around Abbotsford. At the lab, the sky was clear and the sun was bright and promising warmth as the morning progressed. And it did deliver, eventually. Standing with that sun on our faces, on an otherwise cold morning, felt glorious.

But before others arrived, and in the absence of fog, I wandered around the site looking for interest. Given that the morning was chilly, there was an alternative to the missing fog….frost!

Leaves, grass, little frozen plants. but the best, was a Birkenstock sandal, filled with frozen water, covered in frost, and frozen to the curb, was an amusing contrast between summer and winter in one object.

And one, surprised looking, wild, female sockeye was ready for spawning……MB with her googly-eyes at the ready, performed her happy magic again 😆

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