Made it! (318/365/2023)

by The Philosophical Fish

Not the day it was supposed to be, but I made it through anyway 🙂

I packed my lunch, packed my backpack, and did my hike down to the hatchery. When I arrived the Ops manager seemed surprised to see me and asked if I’d received his message.

Nope…because I’m trying really hard to respect weekend time with my other half and not check my email. In fairness, I do usually check my work email in the morning before heading in, but I’m even trying to reduce that because I’d rather not see what’s in my inbox and have a pleasant hike through the forest (or bus ride downtown with Kirk) without it being potentially coloured by something first thing.


Sometimes that backfires on me.

Like today.

When I said “No” that I hadn’t checked my messages, he let me know that the network had been knocked out when the windstorm blew through in the middle of the night Thursday/Friday and hadn’t been repaired yet.


I do remember waking up around 2:30 in the morning and going to the washroom. When I came back to bed it was pouring rain and the wind was blowing. I’d pulled the sliding patio door shut because I’m still having flashbacks to the trees coming down the other week and I figured that I’d fall asleep faster if I couldn’t hear it as well. But our power didn’t even flicker and we are just blocks from the hatchery.

So….no network is a problem when you have to give a virtual presentation in a couple of hours and that meant repacking my bag and hike back home to finish up my presentation and give it.

But it was a gorgeous day, not raining and the return hike was welcome.

There was the added fun of my neighbour’s house alarm going off, with its external siren very close to our wall, going off for about 20-30 minutes. I was wondering if it would stop before the meeting I was calling into….it finally did, thankfully.

I “thought” that being at home for a work day might mean I’d get out for a run over lunch, but instead it meant I barely left my home office desk as I just tried to get on top of things between meetings.

Oh well, I managed to get more things done than came in to replace them, so that’s a plus.

Random photo to round out the day. These figures always make me smile.

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