Blerg! (316/365/2023)

by The Philosophical Fish

I procrastinated as long as reasonable in the hopes that it would start pouring rain so that I could make a whiny excuse about how I hate heading out for a run when it’s raining.

If it isn’t raining and I wait too long then I’ll probably get caught in a downpour when I am at the farthest point from home.

And while I am pondering all of these things that I ponder in a pathetic attempt to find a way to convince myself that I shouldn’t go for a run, Kirk is getting hungry and wanting to make us breakfast but knows I run on an empty stomach and is telling me to make a decision (i.e. get my gear on and get the hell out of the house and back!)

This is my brain during a decision process that involves going for a run on Sunday morning when I really hate doing so but know I should because it’s apparently good for me.

And the damned rain held off.


But I’m going to curse the entire way.

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