Jabbed, stabbed, and all ‘shotted’ up for the fall! (292/365/2023)

by The Philosophical Fish

Yesterday I was grumbling about not getting my bloody vaccination invitation yet.

I typically have already had my fall flu shot for weeks by now. I always get the flu shot because I’m typically on the road at this time of year and tired, run down, staying in hotels, and basically a prime target for catching a bug. And oh have I been sick at this time of year because of all of that!

This fall I’m stuck in an office and giving up my site visits to other people….that part is hard…letting go is difficult…but that’s what I signed up for so it is what it is…and then there are the frustrating travel restrictions that get in the way and so at least the others are better situated and spread out a little bit to still provide some coverage …even if I am not getting to do what I love doing so much. So be it.

But those shots…I have been annoyed at waiting for them

This morning the invitation was in the inbox and so I started hunting for the earliest appointment I could get….today, just after work…perfect.

Stabbed and immunized.

It’s no guarantee, but it’s better than no vaccination.

Roll up my sleeve…yes please!

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