Squirrel! (260/365/2023)

by The Philosophical Fish

We went for a little hike in the Capilano Canyon this afternoon and encountered quite the character. She did have something in her mouth when we first came across her but, when I started taking photos with my iPhone she reacted to the sound of the photo taking, dropped her prize, and became really animated. She seemed to respond to the shutter sound by repeatedly making a sound I’d never heard one make before. I’ve heard Douglas squirrels chatter and chirp, but never this noise.

I took a short video while she put on her show. Turn the sound on.

So small compared to Bob, who showed up earlier this morning, demanding peanuts! Crappy images by comparison, but Bob doesn’t sit still very often, and she’s so dark that it’s always near impossible to get the contrast right when she zips in and out.

One other thing of interest on our hike was a fungi of some sort, emerging from the ground, that looked like a baked bun, or a pile of puffy pancakes cooked to perfection. Not one I’ve come across before.

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