Do you remember? (227/365/2023)

by The Philosophical Fish

When typing mistakes were not as easy to deal with as now?

When backspace didn’t delete but the eventual correction ribbon seemed like magic?

When you were limited to two colours of type…black and red?

When your fingers got a workout when you typed?

When typing was a class, for course credit?


Then you’re young!

Incidentally, when I wrote the title it sent me down a rabbit hole of trying to remember a song that had lyrics that included (started with) “Do you remember”…… and it made me (and Kirk) slightly mental for almost an hour trying to figure out what song it was.

I could “hear” it in my mind, but I couldn’t come up with any additional lyrics off the top of my head. I knew the singer was male, and that it was a moody love song from the 80’s.

After much trial and error, I landed on it…..Kayleigh, by Marillion.

I didn’t remember, but I found it!

Do you remember?

If not…here it is ☺️

I'd love to hear from you :)