Slow Motion (220/365/2023)

by The Philosophical Fish

I encounter these little gaffers a lot on the trails. They always give me pause for thought…we rush along through life…and then there are these slow moving creatures that operate at a fraction of our speed.

When I came along the trail it pulled its eye stalks in. I stopped and dropped my backpack, dug out my camera, and crouched dow to take some photos.

By the time I had a focal point, it was just starting to emerge from having turtled in on itself.

What bus the rest of the world appear to be as it slowly slides along the forest floor?

Does the rest of the world register?

Does it just appear as a blur?

I’d love to understand its perspective on things.

I’d also love to understand why the colour on these photos differs so much from here to Flickr….this is not the same colour that I got from my Photoshop output…but I’ll have to figure that out later..

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