Pride (218/365/2023)

by The Philosophical Fish

We took the Seabus across to see a friend for lunch, someone I worked for starting 36 years ago when we first arrived in Vancouver. She is now retired, the business closed up the remaining stylists scattered, it feels like the end of an era, I guess because it is. It was nice to catch up; I try to connect with her a couple of times a year.


We popped into the Polygon Gallery to poke around in the gift shop…they have interesting books and other fascinating things that catch my eye…..and…today…a Photo Booth. Never one to disappoint….my guy was only two happy to oblige me when I asked him to pop in and give me a face.

We took the Seabus so that Kirk could have a couple of drinks over lunch, and we are extremely glad that we did because we completely forgot that, on top of several cruise ships disgorging about 50,000 people into downtown Vancouver, it is also Pride weekend. Driving downtown would have been a nightmare.

Back on the Shore we went for a little wander in Lower Lonsdale and again admired the Atessa V, but, somehow, the PRIDE sign feel s little ironic.

Yes, it’s a positive affirmation for LGBT2Q+ and wow, how far this has come since we first moved to the coast and lived in the West End. Those were the days when Aids was. death sentence and I lost friends and colleagues. Shitheads came to downtown to go “gay-bashing”. Those were extremely difficult years and I admire those I knew, and never knew, who fought for their rights. Some paid dearly for it.

I also like Vancouver, and, for all its flaws and warts and insanely high cost of living, I am proud to call Vancouver home.

But there is something ironic in the placement of this sign as it sits in front of the sweeping view of a city few can afford to live in….with an insanely valuable yacht docked as a backdrop.

So many thoughts when I took this photo.

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