Stopping to smell the flowers (210/365/2023)

by The Philosophical Fish

Out for a ride today….one could almost be forgiven for assuming that I purchase things from and have them delivered to a shipping and receiving company in Blaine Washington to justify Saturday motorcycle rides in Washington State.

One might not be terribly far off base…

Aaaaanyway……yes, I had a couple of small orders waiting for me at. Hagen’s of Blaine….and …. since it was perfect riding temperature….and….since we hadn’t had a chicken BLT on Breadpharm bread at the Longhorn Saloon in…oh…six or more years….it was a date with the motorcycles and Chuckanut Drive….again 🙂

A nice little 335km jaunt…..and Kirk rolled his odometer over 50,000km on Chuckanut Drive…nice place for that mile marker. I have 410km to go before Isha rolls over 30,000km, which she should have done on our road trip a few weeks ago.

It was a lovely day – the temperature was perfect, the roads had light traffic, the bikes ran perfectly, the Nexus line was fast, wildflowers were everywhere, and everything smelled nice (well, except for Birch Bay, that place smelled like raw sewage at the far end).

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