Clean & Shiny Again (204/365/2023)

by The Philosophical Fish

My poor little bike.

She got super dirty the last day I rode her on our big trip…and then she broke down mid-day and there was the big 1200km transport adventure, followed by a week at the shop and some significant repairs. She came home Friday later in the day, and Saturday we went for a decent ride (320’ish km) to see how she was feeling.


She is feeling great!

But she still hadn’t had a bath after all that, unlike auto service centres that occasionally wash the cars they work on, I’ve not experienced a motorcycle repair shop that does the same, so today she got a thorough cleaning to make up for the filth she’s been sporting for two weeks.

Do you know what the cleanest part of the bike is?

The regulator rectifier….because it’s brand new.

The other week, after I got back from the adventure, a couple of people were surprised that I’d consider redoing the ride, or at least the latter end of it this year. I don’t know why. It’s not like I dropped it, crashed, fell off….or something else that could be considered personally harmful or traumatic.

If you get a flat tire on your car you don’t park it, same-same for the motorcycle….and I’ve had at least one pretty exciting flat tire on the truck. Get it fixed and be on about your business. I trust the service staff at BK, and the 325km ride yesterday was a pretty good shakedown after the repairs.

Not even an electrical sniffle.

She’s good.

I really like my bike. Some people get a bit obsessive about their motorcycles…it’s a vehicle, not a magic carpet; I am not defined by my ride….but I do enjoy it ☺️

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