Tea Time (165/365/2023)

by The Philosophical Fish

Caught a damned cold somehow, somewhere…probably when I was on the ferry late last week.

It tickled around in the back of my throat long enough that I thought it was just allergies, then it blew up yesterday and now I’m a cough-wracked mess.

I hate coughing colds…they wouldn’t be so bad if I could take standard cough suppressants, but I can’t, because I have a damned sensitivity to dextromethorphan, the DM in just about everything. Other cough suppressants don’t work for me because my coughs are generally not in my chest/lungs, so I don’t need an expectorant, they aren’t phlegmy. No , they are delightfully, painfully, horribly dry coughs, they start with spasms in my throat that set things off into a terrible cascade of bent over, body-wracking, hacking coughs.

Coughed so much yesterday evening and overnight (forget sleep, haven’t had much of that for two nights) that I had no voice this morning. And every additional round of coughing is brutally, murderously, painful.

Oh, and my ears hurt.

Had several meetings scheduled today, a couple of them fairly important. Couldn’t do those because couldn’t contribute.

Won’t be contributing tomorrow either.

Getting some writing done though, so there’s that!

Good times.

Time for more tea.

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