Flemish Coil (133/365/2023)

by The Philosophical Fish

It was Sailpast today, and what a day for Sailpast.

We’ve had cold days, rainy days, windy days, but today was cloud free and warm…more than warm really, it was hot. Less hot on the water, but that’s what makes it dangerous. You’d think I’d be smarter after all these years. You’d think I’d know better.

You’d think wrong.

I did pack sunscreen.

When we got out on the water, the boat we were on found its spot and settled in as the turn boat…the boat that all the other boats went past as they got into formation and turned towards the waterfront to sail past the Commodore’s vessel for the formalized presentation of the fleet and each vessel’s salute.

I have a tendency to have a camera with me most of the time, pretty much any time I’m the water. And, although not an official photographer in any sense, whenever I find myself not he turn boat I tend to wedge myself into some spot, today it was on the bowsprit, and try to get a half decent photo of every boat that takes part.

It’s a fun thing to do, and everyone is always so happy. Particularly on a day like today

Dinner, drinks, good conversation, live music, all out on the breakwater. It made for a lovely Saturday.

Except for the slight sunburn I gave myself while pierced out not he bowsprit of the boat, taking 437 photos, on a cloudless sunny day, with water to reflect the sunlight back up so it was coming from everywhere.

Burns asked me how many boats there were today…..I said I had no idea because I’d taken something like 600 photos.

Turns out it was 437….I have a few photos to process over the next week.

In the meantime, here’s a well coiled line, referred to as a Flemish coil.

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