Open again! (121/365/20023)

by The Philosophical Fish

It’s been a long couple of weeks for a lot of people…. I didn’t realize for a long time that I work for the largest employer in the country, the federal government or, rather, the Treasury Board of Canada. When the PSAC union walked off the job it took out a massive component of that…just under half of the entire workforce.

I am a relatively small minority being part of a different union within the same larger workforce, and it has been an awkward couple of weeks being supportive of your colleagues but still going to work while they stand outside protesting for better terms in their collective agreement.

The hatchery gate is open again, but it will take a couple of weeks for all of the fallout to settle and for things to get back on track. There were a lot of critical staff maintaining things to keep fish alive while working with skeleton Cres.

The end result after two weeks of what was apparently the largest strike in Canadian history is that the agreement is not entirely what either side was after, which means it’s probably mostly ok.

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