Daily Rituals (92/365/2023)

by The Philosophical Fish

Not much to say today.

It was just a day.

The only thing on the schedule today was to take Gizmo to the vet for a recheck.

On Friday night we thought we were going to be saying goodbye either Saturday or today. I was already thinking about cancelling meetings Monday because I was anticipating being an emotional mess.

But Saturday he was upbeat, and this morning he was positively chipper.

Talk about a rollercoaster.

On the way to the vet clinic, about a half hour/forty five minutes from home, with Kirk driving and me trying to act as a gimbal with the clear plastic box that Gizmo was in….to keep him from losing his footing and falling over, we made our way across town.

And Giz’ was in fine form.

He whistled, made his little happy-burps, and tried to attack my fingers through the clear plastic. I’d lift the tote up and peer in at him and he’d cock his little crazy head and make happy sounds to be at eye level with me.

By the time we reached the Night Owl Bird Hospital, on a crazy weather day with snow on the ground in Kitsilano, we could only imagine that Gizmo would flake out shortly after being handed over.

We passed him off, handed off the usual paperwork, and headed to Granville Island for a snack while we waited to hear from the clinic, knowing it would be a couple of hours.

Eventually Dr. McDonald called and made a few comments, asking if she could keep him overnight because she’d like to do another ultrasound on his heart but not wanting to do it then because he seemed tired. Yes, of course, we are only too happy to have him spend a night at the clinic for observation and care, and it means we get a night’s sleep without worrying about him overnight. He gets the best care possible, and we get a bit of respite from the ongoing and challenging daily care.

Our daily rituals have become infinitely more complicated this past month or two.

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