Nature’s Gifts (81/365/2023)

by The Philosophical Fish

I love days like this at this time of year, they just feel like a gift. I know it’s going to crap out tomorrow, but this kind of a walk home makes those rainy days more tolerable.

It just feels peaceful.

I’m a bit bummed because it’s such a perfect afternoon for a run but I bunged my knee up on my run on Sunday, when I was coming down the service road on the steeper portion. It twinged, and I thought ti would be fine in a day or so, but my hikes to and from work not he trails, particularly on the steeper sections, have been difficult and painful…making running out of the question.

On the one hand, let’s be serious, fundamentally I’m a completely lazy human being, and I’d happily slouch into couch with a book or a device and be a couch potato.

Yes, I run…no I do not like running and I never will.

When I run, I think too much, and when I think too much, I get angrier about the things that make me angry….and there is no shortage of things making me angry lately. People say that running helps you find a healthy mindset and manage stress.

Bullshit… I run and I just finish up hot, tired, sweaty, and angry because I have time to ruminate not he things that are pissing me off.

I guess it works some of it off, but….

On the flip side… I know that running is good for me….and…also….I have spent a small fortune replacing the majority of my wardrobe in the past two years, so there is incentive to continue with the self torture.

And at this time of year, regardless of running or walking or hiking, the spring days that bode of summer to come, the days like this, do bring some happiness.

I know that I’ve done a similar photo a week or two ago, but whatever….it’s just such a lovely walk.

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