The Office (76/365/2023)

by The Philosophical Fish

Fridays at work are always good days, because, if working on a Friday, I am usually here….

Today was originally a wide open day that had not one single meeting on the calendar.

By this morning the calendar was almost completely full. Calls with three DFO colleagues about various hot topics, a call with a former UBC colleague about some potential collaborative research projects and a request for me to give a seminar to grad students about hatchery operations and research needs that could be future employment or research opportunities…and a few other random biology topics, and a chat with hatchery staff. I’m not typically this busy on a. Friday.

But the highlight of the day was a two hour meeting about a database project and some other random topics.

Why on earth would I be happy about a two hour meeting?

Particularly one that discussed data management topics?

Because it was a walking meeting….and I am here on Fridays that I am in the office….and here is a very good place to go for a walking meeting. In fact, it was a 10km walking meeting…..a hiking meeting actually….but that’s splitting hairs.

We covered a lot of ground, both figuratively and literally 😃

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