What’s for dinner? (12/365/2023)

by The Philosophical Fish

It was an intense day of non-stop meetings…an intense week actually…I haven’t seen my calendar as full as it’s been the past month or so, or even within the past two weeks………in a very long time…enough that I am questioning my recent life choices….

I was warned that there would be lots of meetings, but I neglected to factor in that my stepping up also means that there are a lot of people who suddenly have access to me, both within the program and outside of it, who want to engage on a large number of things ranging from seeking assistance for fish culture where I was not formerly providing it, to wanting to engage on many, many research projects that I can provide input into.

And I accepted an invitation to a three day meeting next week, only to discover that I am on the agenda and now have to make a presentation. That’d be fine, if it was my usual fare. But I’m supposed to talk about my new program, my org chart, staffing, mission, goals…etc.


Life suddenly got busier than expected, and this four day week feels like it lasted a month.

I have to work on “no”….but I am bad at no, because too many people have said no, or said nothing at all in too many cases, for too long….so I feel sort of obligated to step up and help everywhere.

I need more people to help me. I am working on that….

In the meantime, I am done braining.

Pasta is simple, so is this photo.

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