Puzzled (2/365/2023)

by The Philosophical Fish

The last day before back to work.

Usually I take three weeks off….the week before Christmas, the week of Christmas, and the week after Christmas.

I typically need the extra time off to catch up on marking, get things finished for Christmas, and then get prepped for the January term of new classes. Things were different this year….no marking since I retired from my fall teaching, I was pretty much ready for Christmas because of the previous point, and only one (instead of two) classes to get prepped for January.

So it was a bit odd, and a bit less stressful than a typical year.

Today we put Christmas away, did a few errands, ate a bit more, drank a bit more, watched a Juniors hockey game, puzzled a bit, and called it a day.

So here you go…..day 2 of 2023…puzzling….

I never said that they would all involve anything interesting…it’s about the images….the words and thoughts are secondary.

Happy Day 2.

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