Peanuts for Bob

by The Philosophical Fish

Bob is actually a she, and she’s been our friend for over a year now. She usually comes to the back deck and peers in the window at us, occasionally jumping at the window to get our attention. If we are out on the back deck, she is incessant in her acquisition of peanuts from us.

But she has discovered that the front door is sometimes also a place where we can be found.

Today I walked home, opened the door, and dropped my backpack ont he counter. I heard a slight noise and turned to see her sitting on the threshold, looking at me expectantly…..”Hey, Lady… any peanuts?”

Hang on a moment Bob, I’ll go get you some….please don’t come in any farther.

Eventually I had to shut the door because she was relentless in her quest. There just doesn’t seem to be a limit to what she will request. She will eat some, and then start carrying anything extra off to bury it, and then repeat the process over and over and over until we go inside and close the door. Then she often peers in the window and makes us feel guilty.

She’s kinda sweet though.

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