New Year…New Beginnings….

by The Philosophical Fish

Some people jump into icy waters…I take a photo of a local cherry tree that has yet to fail me with respect to providing a few flowers for January 1st.

Why do I take a photo of cherry blossoms every New Year’s Day?

There are a few answers to that question:

  1. Why not?
  2. They are pretty
  3. I like to share 😉
  4. They always remind me that spring isn’t all that far away and that the incessant grey skies and wet weather will end, and that’s a little bit cathartic

The rain even cooperated and stopped for the few minutes necessary to get a few shots. As soon as we got back in the truck to head home, the skies opened on us. So, thank you Mother Nature, both for the flowers to photograph and the short reprieve in which to do so.

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