Happy Halloween

by The Philosophical Fish

Kirk and I were driving somewhere today for some reason and we saw someone doing something (my memory is really performing well today…) and he said something along the lines of “It’s moving day for some people“.

I replied along the lines of “Who moves on Halloween??” and just as quickly said “Oh, right…we did.”

It’s been seven years now since we moved up to Edgemont. That was a miserable move. It was pouring rain and we were moving ourselves. It was hideous. And we’d just managed to get the last box out of the truck and into the mess that was the living room when there was a knock on the door. We looked at each other in puzzlement “Who could possibly be at our door?”

Trick or Treat!!

It’s the one and only year in all the years in the Lower Mainland that we had neither Jack O’Lanterns nor candy to give out.

We were apologetic and then I told Kirk to turn off the front light. He looked at me questioningly and said “Why?”. Because it’s the universal signal for ‘no candy here’. (though apparently not as universal as I thought.

Since then, we’ve always had candy, though we typically only get one to three children come by. Edgemont Village usually hosts a Halloween affair for children so why would they bother going door to door when they can get everything they want there. But we put out our Jack O’Lanterns and they usually draw that one or two that happen to be going by somewhere. I think it’s probably the parents stopping out of pity for the houses that are trying to tell them that they’d love to see a child or two in costume at their doors.

I have no idea if we will get any at all this year, since the event in the Village has been cancelled…but I bought a box of 90 bars…just in case 😉 There isn’t even any point in trying to hide that fact that we largely bought it for ourselves.

There is enough scary stuff going on in the world right now that this year simply demanded happy Jack ‘O Lanterns instead of the usual scary faces. So here is my winky face and my Cheshire Cat.

Have a safe and Happy Halloween.

Happy Halloween (305/365)

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jfffpics November 1, 2020 - 1:01 am

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Memaxmarz November 1, 2020 - 1:40 am

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strongcoffee16 November 1, 2020 - 12:53 pm

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crush777roxx November 2, 2020 - 3:22 am

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Mary Wardell November 3, 2020 - 3:18 am

I love these Jack O’Lanterns!

They also added this photo to their favourites
