Aliens in the forest

by The Philosophical Fish

Another walk in the canyon after work. No need to work off frustration today, at least not by comparison to yesterday. Gizmo behaved, maybe he was just so worn out from yelling all day, or maybe rolling his cage out a few feet so he could see me was the ticket. Or maybe it was just random chance that he felt he’d done enough psychological damage on me yesterday that he’d rest for a day.

Whatever, I was grateful for a mostly quiet day to manage a three hour conference call and actually have some air space to think a bit on a few topics that I needed to respond to.

And it was also a perfect day for a 7km hike on some trails in the park. The goal is to track out on each mapped trail in the canyon. We’re almost done.

A bit steep…

Today we entered off the first parking lot and that turned into a grand mistake. The “trail”….really more of a currently dry waterfall, went pretty much straight down and required a rather serious effort to not simply fall dow the cliff. And, wouldn’t you know it, when we got to the bottom of said “trail”, we were confronted with a torn stretch of “Danger – Do Not Enter” tape at the edge of a cliff with the river not close below.

Should have been at the top

Couldn’t think to put that at the top huh?

So back up we crawled.

And on to a trail we know better.

I love the roots that thread through the forest. New trees growing on older trees that had grown on even older trees. Their roots like aliens engulfing everything below, stretching to find earth.

Alien takeover

One stretch of fairly steep trail involves steep slope, a maze of ankle threatening roots, and several sheets of slick rock designed to send you sliding into peril.

Challenging slope

Clearly we survived 🙂

Once at the top, we crossed the dam and opted to just walk back down the road to home, peering into people yards to see what projects they have been working on. Mom would be proud of me.

The one amusing thins along the way was a pair of Stormtroopers peering out of a garage window…”These are not the droids we are looking for….

These are not the droids we are looking for…..carry on….

Ankle breakerAlien takeoverNot the right trailThese aren't the droids we are looking for...

I'd love to hear from you :)


Timothy Valentine July 9, 2020 - 9:52 am

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Julie (thanks for 9 million views) July 9, 2020 - 6:07 pm

How very random. Seen & admired in the Square Format group

kpmue August 8, 2021 - 8:42 am

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