Lost in Translation

by The Philosophical Fish

A few weeks ago I ordered a screen protector for my new Nikon D500 camera. Given that I am not overly gentle with my cameras and the fact that they see some adverse weather conditions and get tossed in bags fairly often, I thought protecting the LCD touchscreen on the back a fairly good idea.

I took to Amazon to look for some and found a fairly inexpensive option and ordered it up.

The parcel arrived around Christmas and I put it aside to deal with later. I opened the box to find two protectors; thin glass screen covers similar to what is on my phone. Presumably two because air bubbles are always a hazard and the first is a training exercise?

I read the instructions on installing it and it made m head hurt a bit, so I put it aside.

I just came back to it today and read it again.

Still problematic.

Sometimes the instruction manuals on items from overseas can leave a bit to be desired when they are translated to English. I’m certainly not trying to make fun of anyone, because if I was trying to translate from English to Chinese, or pretty much any other language on earth, I can only imagine what gibberish it might come out the other end as.

But even after reading and rereading, I am still left completely in the dark as to what the purpose of the little pink and blue cloths were for, so I cleaned my glasses with one.

So I used the little wet wipe to clean the screen, then the little dry wipe to further clean things. I then used the round blue sticker to “dedust” (doesn’t that imply that I am therefore adding dust?) the screen, and then I removed the film on the micro-thin glass screen protector….to discover I’d ordered the cover for the wrong Nikon camera somehow (and yes, I know the image is of a phone).

Back to the Amazon I go to try again.

Zoom in on the instructions on the left side for some amusement.

Lost in Translation (Day 18)


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