Lunch took a little longer this morning than usual to make

by The Philosophical Fish

I take a salad for lunch more days than not. Today Gizmo was in a social mood for the morning and, after giving him his morning medication, he was interested in staying on the counter to explore. He has a thing about drawers and likes to peer over the edge and puff up like a dragon about to blow fire when one is open below him. You don’t want to try to pick him up at that point, at least not unless you feel like bleeding.

He also has a thing for plastic bags and turns into a demon when they are being crinkled in any proximity. He’s always been that way, I have no idea why, he came with that particular idiosyncrasy.

And, he also loves snap peas.

So, in my morning stupor, I put him on the counter while trying to make lunch, and then proceeded to try to make lunch while not being attacked for my every move.

Not my wisest morning decision.

He did shred a couple of peas between attacking the head of lettuce, which distracted him long enough for me to get a few things thrown in my container for a salad.

Life with a parrot; a dog sits on the floor and hopes something will fall…a tiny little parrot just takes over and makes you the interloper.

IMG 3337

Challenging morning to make lunch.....


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Paul Goodhall January 7, 2020 - 7:11 pm

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