The things that remind you where you come from

by The Philosophical Fish

Mr. P.G.

January 29, 2015 – I didn’t think I’d be seeing Mr. P.G. again, or at least not for a long time. I thought it would be longer than three years anyway.

Mr. P.G. is the official mascot of the city I was born and raised in, Prince George. Prince George is a city built on forestry, so he makes sense. He stands at attention at the intersections of highways 16 and 97. He used to be made out of logs, but those rotted in the 1980’s, and when the city installed Mr. P.G. 2.0, he was made out of metal and fibreglass. He also used to be on the opposite corner, I’m not entirely sure why he wandered across the road. There also used to be another version downtown, at the Credit Union, I particularly liked that one because he had a telephone in his belly. The plaque in front of Mr. P.G. 2.0 says that downtown Mr. P.G. is in Fort George Park somewhere. I’d like to see him again 🙂

I left this city in 1987 and I knew I’d never move back, but I didn’t mind coming home to see family and friends. It’s always interesting to see your hometown through different eyes after time away. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, every time I come here it seems to be in the winter.

Home again, for another funeral.

I haven’t been back since we sold Mom’s house. I haven’t wanted to come back. And when we got less than 2 minutes down the road in our rental car it slammed into me that there was no Mom waiting for me. And like an idiot, not a tissue anywhere. Blinked it back.

You just never know when a wave is going to roll over you, but I really should have known coming here would cause one to come crashing down.

116 Photos in 2016 – 24. Statue

The idea for Mr. PG originated with Harold Moffat in the late 1950’s, who believed Prince George needed a mascot to promote the forest industry and represent the City.  He approached Hans Roine, a local Rotarian and sawmill owner with the idea and the first Mr. PG was created in 1960.  It was a one and a half metre tall wooden man that stood outside the former Simon Fraser Hotel downtown on Quebec Street.  

Due to his popularity, the City of Prince George built an 11.6 metre tall Mr. PG on a parade float for the May Day parade.  In 1961 he won first place in the Kelowna Regatta and second prize in the Pacific National Exhibition parade.  Mr. PG attained national recognition when he appeared in the 1963 Grey Cup Parade in Vancouver. 

Over the years Mr. PG has found himself in many places.  He was located downtown at 1stAvenue and George Street and later moved to the intersection of Highways 97 and 16.  He has been celebrated in song and even appeared on a stamp in 2009 as part of Canada Post’s Roadside Attraction series.  Mr. PG has his own Facebook page with over 5,000 likes! –

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Hans Pannerup Rasmussen January 30, 2016 - 5:16 am

Mr PG stuffies were really popular during the Canada winter games last year.

Paige Ackerman January 30, 2016 - 3:55 pm Reply
Carol Davidson January 30, 2016 - 5:31 am

I remember he used to wink. And hitch-hike. Sassy dude.

Hans Pannerup Rasmussen January 30, 2016 - 5:42 am

If it works.

Carol Davidson January 30, 2016 - 5:43 am

Hans Pannerup Rasmussen well he did wear a dress once

Hans Pannerup Rasmussen January 30, 2016 - 7:34 am


Laurel Gable January 30, 2016 - 5:58 am

one of those things that makes you wonder who thought this was a good idea!

Paige Ackerman January 30, 2016 - 7:26 am

Who knows, but he’s a local fixture after all these years.

Shayla D Adams January 30, 2016 - 6:04 am

Most people know this one.

The Philosophical Fish January 29, 2016 - 11:06 pm

I love those planes. I took a side trip to the lake one of my trips out to Robertson to see them, such icons! Not nearly as tacky as Mr. PG. 🙂

Hans Pannerup Rasmussen January 30, 2016 - 7:38 am

but nearly as useful these days……

Christopher Stone January 30, 2016 - 7:02 am

i can relate to what you feel. When I go back to PG I doesn't feel like coming home. My parents house does but that's all. But when I'm at home on the island I feel like I'm from Prince George. I friend of mine passed away in PG last weekend and I wish I was there now. Feeling nostalgic I suppose

The Philosophical Fish January 29, 2016 - 11:07 pm

I forgot you were from here. A high school classmate of mine also passed away up here last weekend, not why I’m here though, a different funeral. Too many these days 🙁

Angela Dettling January 30, 2016 - 7:42 am

I hope you stop to see your old house and visit Holly. She would love to see you.

Paige Ackerman January 30, 2016 - 3:49 pm

In and out pretty quick, but someday I’d love to do that. I always think it’s so cool that my childhood best friend bought the house I grew up in.

Angela Dettling January 30, 2016 - 5:27 pm

It is cool. She likes the fact that her best friend grew up in the house too. It makes it even more homey.

james January 30, 2016 - 12:37 am

I thought that the original Mr PG was made out of septic tanks. You never know when a wave is going to roll over you, I love that image, thank you.

The Philosophical Fish January 30, 2016 - 8:03 am

Nope, logs. From what I understand, the original guy was on a float in the PNE in 1960, and won for best float. He also didn’t have a hard hat originally.

james January 31, 2016 - 9:17 pm

He’s the same age as me! And it’s the new Mr PG that’s made from a septic tank 🙂

The Philosophical Fish February 1, 2016 - 6:07 am

Ah! yes, that makes more sense 😉

Well that explains why i was confused about his location, it was November 2012 when I noticed his new spot and I was positive he used to be on the other side. I wasn’t losing my mind!

Alan Pope January 30, 2016 - 10:15 am

I don’t know who he is but great shot.

They also added this photo to their favourites

sure2talk January 30, 2016 - 4:15 pm

He’s a fun looking fellow.
Seen in
116 pictures in 2016

Carol Davidson January 30, 2016 - 4:31 pm

Why did Mr PG cross the road? Prob to get away from the extremely classy casino

PikPix, off & on... January 31, 2016 - 12:14 am

Seen and admired in
116 pictures in 2016

xTexAnne January 31, 2016 - 1:04 am

Great shot! I remember seeing him on our Alaska trip as we drove through Canada.
Seen in and admired in
116 pictures in 2016

Free 2 Be January 31, 2016 - 7:09 am

I used to live in his neighbourhood 😉

Orange Barn January 31, 2016 - 4:03 pm

That’s a happy looking guy!
