40-52-2014: Acorns

by The Philosophical Fish

40-52-2014: Acorns

October 5, 2014 – Nothing much today. The week was all over the map, literally. Out to the West Coast of Vancouver Island and back, but didn’t really take may photos, only one that was worthy of much – a shot of a little black bear at Nitinat River.

Little Nitinat Resident

The weekend was eaten up by chores, dinner at a fabulous restaurant that I can’t recommend enough – Siena – a wonderful theatre performance at the Arts Club Theatre that I highly recommend – 4000 Miles – and today was filled with some baking, canning, cooking, etc. On the pantry shelf went a carrot jam that I’m lukewarm about, and a carrot, orange, and cardamom marmalade that will be quite good with the likes of goat cheese and crackers. I took a shot at some baguettes, but they didn’t exactly work perfectly, but the roasted butternut and yam soup on the stove is divine.

So as usual, I was suddenly confronted with the realization that it was Sunday afternoon and I had little photographic to show photographically for the week. So it was a wander around the house to search for random photographic objects. And the bowl of acorns made the cut.

I found this bowl and its contents when cleaning out Mom’s house. We both collected odd things. She had a bowl of acorns, I have a bowl of giant fish scales.

Hard to believe that such magnificent trees can come from such a humble little beginning.

I wonder how long acorns last?

I'd love to hear from you :)


Just Mom October 3, 2014 - 8:51 pm

Hmmm…looks like a pretty good size for a black bear to me. I think your idea of little has changed since seeing all those grizzlies. 🙂

Free 2 Be October 3, 2014 - 8:55 pm

Nah, he (or she) was just a little gaffer, looks bigger than it was. Probably just a two year old. In good shape though and could run pretty well when the hatchery dog took off after it a moment after I snapped this….but not well enough to make it all the way up that dirt cliff on the other side of the water. Went for quite the scramble.

~??~ Y.C.CHEN October 6, 2014 - 1:36 am

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clekkens October 14, 2014 - 4:47 am

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