(312/366) An A+ and a Childhood Favourite

by The Philosophical Fish

(312/366) An A+ and a Childhood Favourite

November 7, 2012 – Peak Frean’s Fruit Cremes were my favourite cookies when I was younger. Yesterday there was a flu clinic at my workplace and I got my shot, and today there was a blood clinic. They weren’t taking blood, they were just promoting giving blood and they had a clinic for anyone to come in and get blood typed. I’m embarrassed to admit that I’ve never given blood, and it’s even more embarrassing to admit that I had no idea what blood type I am. In high school we did our blood typing, but all I remember is having a lot of holes in my finger tips by the end of the lab. My teenage brain promptly forgot what the result was and I never bothered to find out after that.

After being poked with a sharp object and told I was A+, I was thanked for coming out, urged to consider giving blood on a regular basis, and offered some cookies. On the table were two packs of Oreos, Fudgee’O’s, granola bars, and Peak Frean Fruit Creme cookies.

Funnily enough, I’ve been wanting to take a photo of these cookies for ages but refused to go buy a box as I’d probably eat the entire package. So to be presented with a two pack was perfect.

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1 comment

i_still_believe_in_u November 8, 2012 - 8:09 pm

Added this photo to their favorites
