No, Gracias

by The Philosophical Fish

“No, Gracias.”

I have become very good at uttering that phrase.

I have discovered a few things in Puerto Vallarta.

According to the shopkeepers in Old Town, it appears that many shops stock products that are “Almost Free!

Taxis are everywhere, and they really, really, want your business. But they accept the turn down politely.

Busses come in every shape and size.

Jaywalking, actually even crossing the road, across 8 lanes (four divided roads going in two directions) is a life threatening prospect (that I am happy to say I survived).

If you are walking, keep one eye on the sidewalk at all times. It can be quite the potential hazard, changing width, height, it can disappear completely, it can contain holes that will at best swallow your foot, at worst swallow you whole.

Cockroaches here are about as big as the ones in Hawaii!

Don’t be surprised if an iguana (or two) runs across a branch just above your head as you walk under a tree. That’s pretty cool!

Pelicans fly around in flocks almost like seagulls. That one is pretty cool too!

Tequila and I are still not friends after all those years apart. We should not have tried to get reacquainted. Mojito’s are much friendlier.

Marble floors are the best! When you come in from outside and it’s horribly hot and humid, just kick off your shoes and stand on the floor for a few moments. You know how dogs stand in puddles? That’s because they have a counter current heat exchanger built into their physiology. The blood flows through the extremities and standing in the water cools the blood as it flows back to the core, dropping core body temperature. Works for me too.

Sweat running down your back can eventually feel normal.

Good night.

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miguelmateosg December 21, 2015 - 1:33 am

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