We Made it out!


The plane finally landed, an hour late…and when we made Athens things were frantic. We had to shuffle a bit of packing on the airport floor so we wouldn’t be overweight and took a bit out of both bags and into carry on packs. British Airways charges more for weight than Olympic.

Security took a round out of Kirk, but we made it through in time to grab a last Greek “twinkie” (the chocolate croissants we love) and the plane was boarding.

The flight was uneventful although we did not get to sit together since I couldn’t do a web check in as there was no internet within any reasonable distance from the marina.

On arrival we found out luggage (although it was the last to show…we thought we had lost it) and then found our way to the car rental. That took some time, as did waiting to get the car. Once underway we both tried to adjust to being on the wrong side of the road and that was somewhat harrowing.

We did find the Inn eventually, although and hour later than we thought we’d be there. We drove down to Marlborough for dinner at a curry house and then when we came out….Kirk immediately attempted to drive on the right (wrong) side of the road into oncoming traffic! Scream!!!

OK, let’s not do that again!

Until we make a right hand turn and he does it again a bit later! Other side! OTHER SIDE!!!

This morning we got up at about 5 am and drove to Avebury and walked in among the stones in the fields with the sheep as the sun came up. It was lovely and the cool air felt good! We then realized that we were not too far from Stonehenge, and although it doesn’t open until 9:30 am, we walked around the fence and took a few photos before driving back up to the Inn for a shower and breakfast.

After breakfast we will hit the road again!

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Dad May 31, 2009 - 2:02 pm

Whew … eh? … and big smiles !!

marne May 31, 2009 - 9:58 pm

You guys have had quite the trip! Say hi to all the Flickr people for me!

rae ackerman June 1, 2009 - 12:09 am

I won’t even ask why you had so much stuff with that you could be overweight. I have never in my life tipped the scale into $$.

Avebury (I never went) and Stonehenge (I was there before they put a fence around it) – wonderful! I love those places.

And driving!! Oh yeah! I bought a car in London and did the test drive after dark (it was December) with nobody using headlights. The salesman was a shambles when we got back, just a quivering wreck. Later on, my girlfriend also became a quivering wreck driving with me on the continent – I had to get all the way into the other lane to see if it was OK to pass, after all. Eventually I could tell just by how stiff and twitchy she got as I pulled out to see ahead. And then when sometimes no car ever appeared in the other lane, I had to realize that she just automatically got that way if I even thought about passing. Oh well, that relationship had other problems.

Manus in Mano June 4, 2009 - 9:05 am

I’ve never tipped a scale either, but we actually knew we would before we ever left. One internal airline between Preveza and Athens was a small commuter plane and has an allowance of less than half of what we started with whereas the British Airways flights actually had allowances that were twice what we took, so we were at a happy medium and knew we’d get dinged a bit at Preveza. Although their scale actually was out of whack since it kept climbing for a few minutes after we put the luggage on it. And then at BA the weight was totally different…go figure.

bill bennett June 1, 2009 - 10:55 am

Hey Paige,

Didn’t I warn you about the automatically clicking into the north american side of the road after a tour or dinner or pub etc. I am glad to see that it wasn’t just me though. How is Kirks arm doing? Has the bruise subsided after your hitting him telling him to MOVE OVER!.



Manus in Mano June 4, 2009 - 9:03 am

Yup…he did pretty well though…
