Seriphos – Day 2

by The Philosophical Fish

We spent the day on Seriphos and did a walking tour. We hiked up to the chora of Seriphos and explored the town a bit. We went to chapel at the very tip top, the view is breathtaking. There are cats and donkeys everywhere. A little black dog led us through the maze of narrow streets for awhile and then left us. We then hiked out of town across the countryside with lizards scurrying out of our way at every step, and over to a beach called Psili Ammos where we sat at the seaside and had a packed lunch. It was virtually deserted except for us. We were going to have a swim….Kirk did, I wimped…too cold!

We then hiked back to Livadhi where we spent the next few hours lounging, sipping drinks, and being helpful Canadians for all the boats that came in. It’s much busier here today, many more boats at the dock. We’ve discovered that “there s always room for one more”.

It is still so surprising to us how little help is generally offered. An Israeli crew came in and were having a great deal of difficulty so we helped them out, they were extremely grateful and we sort of hoped we put some of the others to shame. It must have worked a bit because by the end, there were other people coming out to grab lines. It wasn’t all good though, I just about sent a captain into the drink on purpose. A group of Germans came in on a big catamaran and the captain jumped ashore and ended up hanging half on the pier and half in the water. Kirk and I ran forward and each grabbed an arm to help him out, he could have been crushed by the boat as it came in! His response was to look up at me and yell in my face “Let go of me!” I threw my arms in the air and said fine and walked away from him and let him claw his own way onto the dock. Miserable old cuss! We then moved next door an helped some British fellows get tied up. They were gracious and we ended up spending a few hours on their boat later. A woman from crabby’s boat came over a bit later and apologized to me for her captains behaviour. Pathetic that he couldn’t do it himself.

Several others came down a bit later and also commented on the fellow’s idiotic behaviour towards us. I was told I should have pushed him in. We are starting to understand why help is often not forthcoming if that is the thanx you receive. One guy said that we should be on payroll…we just replied,…”helping out is just what you should do”. I think it was after that, that some others actually started to get off their boats when people were coming in.

Every boat that arrives brings more testosterone! Where are the women! One boat came in with a woman at the helm and a chauvinistic German guy was coaxing her in with, come on baby, and looking at me at the same time!! When she delicately backed it in, the men on the dock clapped! Male chauvinist pigs!

Women are not given any credit here, everywhere we go, they look to Kirk. As a computer question, they talk to Kirk, anything I do on the boat seems to be amazing! I think everyone was astonished that I was helping pull lines. One fellow almost made the mistake of trying to take a line from me……..seemed to have read my body language and thought better of it.

We went ashore for a slice of baklava to finish off the day.

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