Day 170 – Granola

by The Philosophical Fish

Day 170 - Granola

170/365 (June 19,2011) – Had a lot to catch up on this weekend considering the change in my schedule. Things I normally do during the week didn’t get done. The weekly batches of granola and yogurt didn’t get made and we ran dry at the end of the week. So the new batch of yogurt is currently incubating, and a fresh and crunchy jar of granola is ready for breakfasts. I started off following a recipe, now it’s more of a guideline and changes depending on what nuts and dried fruits I’ve picked up at the store, and what grains I have in the pantry. Regardless, it’s always good.

1 comment

Jennifer Shaw June 19, 2011 - 6:12 pm

One day I’ll bring you some Granola Girl to try. Not that it will replace your homemade, but it’s pretty darn good, vegan and organic and it’s perhaps the best artisan made granola I’ve ever had. It has great packaging, and keep fresh for a long time (so perfect when you have a granola emergency).

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