Day 257 – Ever Wish You Could Swap Heads?

by The Philosophical Fish

Day 257 - Ever Wish You Could Swap Heads?

257/365 (September 14, 2010) – Sometimes I wish I could take off this head and swap it out for another. I spent about 6 hours yesterday trying to make what amounts to a relatively small change to one of the websites I manage. That resulted in a complete and utter corruption when I uploaded it. Everything was fine on the test preview, but once on the server. Kaput. So after several hours of fighting I just obliterated the entire massive site online, put up a “Under Maintenance” page, and proceeded to re-upload the entire site from my hard drive. That took a few hours (big site).

And now, there is one stupid button that won’t change colour. I’ve rebuilt the thing three times, no go. I have no idea why…

Time for a new head.

1 comment

Mars Chen September 15, 2010 - 8:03 am

Added this photo to their favorites

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