Day 32 – Martini Anyone?

by The Philosophical Fish

I could use a couple of these after today. I am usually so organized. I set up a new spreadsheet at the start of every year. On it I track my hours billed, expenses, travel costs etc. I carefully track each receipt by date, cost code, item purchased, GST paid etc. It makes tax time a snap, well, as much of a snap as it can be when you are self employed.

But this year, I just never got back on it after we came back from Greece…so I’ve been sitting on a massive envelope of receipts (and then all those online purchases stuffed into an email folder) since ….June….what a mistake. So I spent most of today doing what I should have done on a daily basis. What an idiot.

Oh well, at least it’s all done now. So now I just need to buy UFile, drag out the heinous PC laptop with Windows Vista (GAH!) and install it, then muddle through the taxes. (I still can’t believe I have to keep a PC in the house JUST for taxes…will someone please write UFile or Quicktax for Mac please?). This year the only wild card is capital gains tax since we haven’t dealt with it before. Otherwise, I’m up to date and ready to bumble through the tax forms.

Oh Joy!


Flickr: Just Mom February 2, 2010 - 2:12 am

Sounds like you could use a stiff drink. 🙂

Just Mom February 2, 2010 - 2:12 am

Sounds like you could use a stiff drink. 🙂

Flickr: Free 2 Be February 2, 2010 - 2:16 am

You pouring?

Free 2 Be February 2, 2010 - 2:16 am

You pouring?

Flickr: Just Mom February 2, 2010 - 1:10 pm

You have to come here first.

Just Mom February 2, 2010 - 1:10 pm

You have to come here first.

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