A Cool November Afternoon Scoot

by The Philosophical Fish

Have I mentioned that I love my scooter? Oh, I have? Oh well, sorry, but I have to say it again. I LOVE my scooter!

Today was a gorgeous, albeit crisp, november afternoon and so I tossed the camera under the seat and zoomed off to North Shore parts unknown. I got myself thoroughly and delightfully lost up in the British Properties and poked around West Vancouver from Ambleside to 28th before zooming back over to North Vancouver and visiting Park and Tilford Gardens. I scooted for about two and a half hours this afternoon and loved every minute. Even saw someone I knew and stopped for a chat. He loved my scooter too.

You know how when you become interested in a new car you suddenly see a million of them? Well, I only saw two scooters today, so that’s not the point. What is the point is that I hear them now. I can hear a scooter coming blocks away.

So far I’ve gone almost 150 km on this tank of gas…and it only cost me $5.68 the last time I filled it….which was…oh…a couple of weeks ago….

Yes, I love my scooter!