A Healthy Dose of Skepticism

by The Philosophical Fish

When I wanted the Darwin fish for my truck, it was for two reasons.

#1. I am a skeptic. I am a scientist and I think that evolution is as solid a theory as we have available to us because of the volumes of supporting evidence based on solid scientific investigation. I do not use the terms “belief” (because that implies faith) or “proof” (because it is virtually impossible to “prove” anything in science. At best we can disprove hypotheses and the more hypotheses we disprove, the closer we are to finding a solid theory. Science is a process of asking questions and investigating those questions through the experimental process to find answers that generally lead to further questions, and to promote intellectual growth and knowledge.

The Skeptics Society states (and my own scientific training agrees) that “A claim becomes factual when it is confirmed to such an extent it would be reasonable to offer temporary agreement. But all facts in science are provisional and subject to challenge, and therefore skepticism is a method leading to provisional conclusions.”

Religion on the other hand, is about discouraging questions and investigation and promoting dogma and narrow views of the world. Religion teaches blind faith about that which cannot be investigated.

Science uses reason to answer questions, religion is unquestioning faith without reason.

So, the Darwin Fish is a small statement.

#2. It’s cute! I like it!

But when I went looking for one online, I discovered quite the collection of websites.

While I am familiar with the Skeptics Society and even purchase the magazine from time to time, I wasn’t aware of these other groups…. they are quite funny.

Did you know that there was a Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? I didn’t. Now I do. And I found it quite entertaining.

Had you ever encountered the Invisible Pink Unicorn? I hadn’t, until now.

Have you ever encountered the Church of the SubGenius? Not I!