Dazed and Confused – Let the Breakdowns Begin!

by The Philosophical Fish

Have you ever felt lost in your own life? Why does something that should be a celebration end up being a minefield of personalities that rival an episode of Family Feud?

So the invitations went out, and we wait for people to respond.

One response, two actually… “If he/she’s coming, I won’t be there” Great, apparently grown adults have regressed to the age of four and think that the entire affair is about them…even though none of them have contributed anything to it! I can’t help but think “Get over it and stop being selfish!” Unless a murder was committed (and there wasn’t) I fail to see how adults cannot put differences (no matter the magnitude) aside for a few hours!I find it absolutely infuriating that I suffered what amounted to complete professional humiliation at the hands of a man at a former place of employment, yet when it came down to business, I managed to (and still do) work in close contact with him and maintain an air of distant civility. And yet two people who separated three years ago can’t! It’s truly maddening!

The other branch of the family. Conflict between two siblings may mean one and an associated spouse may not come either…at least that was the warning I received today.

Again…why does my wedding need to be a staging ground for family politics?

More family members are up in arms about the fact that we are having a black and white wedding and are only concerned about their own attire…I don’t care! I don’t expect people to show up in a tux! Wear whatever you darn well please! It would be “nice” if you wore black and white, but it’s not the end of the world if you don’t…just don’t show up in felt packs and sweatpants please!

Most women have a girlfriend to share all the excitement with…my best friend (aside for the fellow I am marrying) is in Thunder Bay Ontario…a bit far for a consultation at the dressmakers…I just feel so alone on this side of things. So I am choosing, fitting, and making decisions on a dress without any :girly” support. It just makes me sad when it should be exciting and fun.

I’ve always denied wanting to get married, but what woman doesn’t want a special day when she gets to have those who are special to her gathered together for a celebration of the relationship she shares with someone? Now all I feel is dread and regret at setting out on this path.

And there ends my pathetic whine for the day.