Poor Milo

by The Philosophical Fish

I sprain two ankles…I whimper and keep my feet up as much as possible. Do I go to a doctor? No…probably should have, but I knew I just had to take it easy and heal and then work on the ankles to get them working right again.

What does that have to do with Milo?

The other day we came home and Milo was limping. I can’t find anything major wrong, no swelling, no cuts, no crusted blood or anything. But he is limping of hopping along on three legs. Frustratingly, I can’t get him into the vet until tomorrow.

I am almost positive it’s a result of a scuffle between he and Loki. Most likely up on top of the computer cabinet. Milo is not a good jumper, unlike Loki, and he doesn’t take any unnecessary risks…unlike Loki… When I felt his leg I could handle his paw roughly, firm pressure on his leg didn’t elicit any unusual response, but he jerked away when I applied pressure to his elbow joint. it seems to be a load bearing issue, he can scratch (pull) but putting his weight on it seems to hurt him

Does he slow down? Of course not. he still jumps up, even though we put a set of stairs at the bed. He still goes after Loki. he still tries to run down the hall after me. He just won’t rest.

I think it’s amazing how we as humans won’t go to the doctor for so many things….but when our pets have the same issues, we are so terribly concerned that we head for the vet. We know that our pets can’t speak, they can’t tell us where it hurts or why. They are reliant on us for their health and well being.

And so off we go to the vet tomorrow. I’m sure he’s just jammed his knee or bashed it on the corner of something…but we’ll find out tomorrow.

Poor Milo……